Ex Marks The Spot

€ 3,66

After leaving the military at the ripe old age of thirty-seven, USAF Colonel Andrea (Andi) Armstrong moves to the Florida panhandle for a fresh start. But when she knocks on the door of her new next door neighbor, she finds there are some things about her old life she isn't quite finished with yet. Even more surprising, she discovers her very determined ex-husband, Colonel Dave Armstrong, isn't quite finished with her yet, either. Hmmm.... Maybe there's something to this second-time around business after all.

After leaving the military at the ripe old age of thirty-seven, USAF Colonel Andrea (Andi) Armstrong moves to the Florida panhandle for a fresh start. But when she knocks on the door of her new next door neighbor, she finds there are some things about her old life she isn't quite finished with yet. Even more surprising, she discovers her very determined ex-husband, Colonel Dave Armstrong, isn't quite finished with her yet, either. Hmmm.... Maybe there's something to this second-time around business after all.

€ 3,66
€ 0,00
€ 3,66