Hungry for Diets

€ 5,99

In Hunger For Diets I revisit the work of my life… of my study of food and its effects and consequences on the body… on our metabolism…

We are not told everything about food and diets…

We are lied to even either by ignorance or design… we are made to believe that we are guilty… culprits of our own ills… that we are indeed answerable for our own overweight and our own disease… we are told that some ingredients or foods either in parts or in all are the cause and the reason for our excess weight and ill health… whereas those same ingredients and foods are eaten regularly in other countries and other cultures without causing the slightest negative effects on their people…

The truth is often hidden for lack of knowledge, the ignorance of practitioners… by laziness… the lack of willing to try and test those concepts or anything new… most of them know they are useless and pointless and some practitioners are also overweight and continue given weight loss ‘advice’… while continuing to blame their patients…

Not one doctor… not one specialist… not one study… has ever lasted as long as my study !

In Hunger For Diets I revisit the work of my life… of my study of food and its effects and consequences on the body… on our metabolism…

We are not told everything about food and diets…

We are lied to even either by ignorance or design… we are made to believe that we are guilty… culprits of our own ills… that we are indeed answerable for our own overweight and our own disease… we are told that some ingredients or foods either in parts or in all are the cause and the reason for our excess weight and ill health… whereas those same ingredients and foods are eaten regularly in other countries and other cultures without causing the slightest negative effects on their people…

The truth is often hidden for lack of knowledge, the ignorance of practitioners… by laziness… the lack of willing to try and test those concepts or anything new… most of them know they are useless and pointless and some practitioners are also overweight and continue given weight loss ‘advice’… while continuing to blame their patients…

Not one doctor… not one specialist… not one study… has ever lasted as long as my study !

€ 5,99
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€ 5,99