Refuse To Get Old- A Man’s Guide to Long Life, Healthy Eating and Looking Great Along the Way

€ 5,40

A definitive guide for men on lengthening their lifespan, adding healthier years, and diminishing the chance of getting age-related diseases and ailments. Key ways to control lifestyle, eating habits, weight control and bad habits. Doing so can possibly add another 10 to 12 years to one’s life by not leaving everything to chance. The Blue Zones in the world are examined to see why those people live longer and have a higher percentage of folks living to 100 or longer. Tips also provided on looking your best in your senior years. The time to start is in your middle age years but it’s really never to late.

A definitive guide for men on lengthening their lifespan, adding healthier years, and diminishing the chance of getting age-related diseases and ailments. Key ways to control lifestyle, eating habits, weight control and bad habits. Doing so can possibly add another 10 to 12 years to one’s life by not leaving everything to chance. The Blue Zones in the world are examined to see why those people live longer and have a higher percentage of folks living to 100 or longer. Tips also provided on looking your best in your senior years. The time to start is in your middle age years but it’s really never to late.

€ 5,40
€ 0,00
€ 5,40