Teach Yourself Visually MacBook

€ 42,70

Like the MacBook itself, Teach Yourself VISUALLY MacBook, Second Edition is designed to be visually appealing, while providing excellent functionality at the same time. By using this book, MacBook users will be empowered to do everyday tasks quickly and easily. From such basic steps as powering on or shutting down the MacBook, working on the Mac desktop with the Dashboard and its widgets to running Windows applications, Teach Yourself VISUALLY MacBook, Second Edition covers all the vital information and provides the help and support a reader needs-in many ways it's like having a Mac Genius at their side helping tackle questions that may arise. Teach Yourself VIUSALLY MacBook, Second Edition will cover Snow Leopard, MobileMe and iLife '09.

Like the MacBook itself, Teach Yourself VISUALLY MacBook, Second Edition is designed to be visually appealing, while providing excellent functionality at the same time. By using this book, MacBook users will be empowered to do everyday tasks quickly and easily. From such basic steps as powering on or shutting down the MacBook, working on the Mac desktop with the Dashboard and its widgets to running Windows applications, Teach Yourself VISUALLY MacBook, Second Edition covers all the vital information and provides the help and support a reader needs-in many ways it's like having a Mac Genius at their side helping tackle questions that may arise. Teach Yourself VIUSALLY MacBook, Second Edition will cover Snow Leopard, MobileMe and iLife '09.
€ 42,70
€ 0,00
€ 42,70