What You Don't Know about Listening (Could Fill a Book)

€ 15,69

Why do today's great leaders need to be great listeners? Because those who listen effectively are perceived to be more strategic, collaborative, and empathetic-all traits that ultimately influence others to follow them.
This book focuses on a "single elegant behavior" that helps you learn, model, and sustain a significant change in the way you listen. And-unlike any other technique-this skill emphatically proves to others that you are truly "hearing" them.
Once you learn the practical concepts, you'll see exactly how it works when applied to day-to-day managerial situations like: Hiring, Onboarding, Delegating, Reviewing Performance, Coaching, Decision Making, Leading Change, Resolving Conflict, and Seeking Feedback. It's so logical and easy to understand, you'll start employing the techniques the day you finish reading the book.
Stuffed full of relatable examples, solid role-play scenarios, and skill-building exercises, this self-help book could also be used by HR professionals as a leadership development tool or the basis for an interactive management training program...but it's also just plain fun to read

Why do today's great leaders need to be great listeners? Because those who listen effectively are perceived to be more strategic, collaborative, and empathetic-all traits that ultimately influence others to follow them.
This book focuses on a "single elegant behavior" that helps you learn, model, and sustain a significant change in the way you listen. And-unlike any other technique-this skill emphatically proves to others that you are truly "hearing" them.
Once you learn the practical concepts, you'll see exactly how it works when applied to day-to-day managerial situations like: Hiring, Onboarding, Delegating, Reviewing Performance, Coaching, Decision Making, Leading Change, Resolving Conflict, and Seeking Feedback. It's so logical and easy to understand, you'll start employing the techniques the day you finish reading the book.
Stuffed full of relatable examples, solid role-play scenarios, and skill-building exercises, this self-help book could also be used by HR professionals as a leadership development tool or the basis for an interactive management training program...but it's also just plain fun to read
€ 15,69
€ 2,99
€ 18,68