God's Secret Plan For the Salvation of Mankind

€ 9,17

"God's Secret Plan For the Salvation of Mankind" was written with the intention of providing the reader with a panoramic view of God's eternal purpose in Christ Jesus our Lord. Beginning in the timelessness of eternity past, and continuing into the endlessness of eternity future, each historic age is thoroughly examined as the details concerning the outworking of God's secret plan are progressively made known to both men and angels. Throughout the book, the redemption that is in Christ Jesus is of primary importance. This, however, only stands to reason, for without his finished and all-sufficient work at the cross of Calvary, there could have been no completion of God's secret plan of salvation and reclamation. Without Christ's blood as the fully satisfying once-for-all payment for all the sins of the world, there would have been no possibility of salvation for mankind. Neither would there be any possibility of God reclaiming that which rightfully belongs to him, for there would be no saved individuals with which to reclaim it. Satan would remain in control for eternity because there would be no Remnant of Israel to reclaim the Earth and no Body of Christ to reclaim the Heavens. From the onset of the study, the differences between God's program for the nation of Israel and his program for the Body of Christ are brought to light and diligently compared. The importance of this cannot be overstated, for it is only when the differences between these two programs are recognized and respected that doctrinal confusion is eliminated. Though Christ provides salvation for both the nation of Israel and the Body of Christ, their programs are entirely different. Only by rightly dividing the word of truth is the Bible student able to see these differences, and only then does the Bible begin to make sense from cover to cover. "God's Secret Plan For the Salvation of Mankind" was written to be utilized as a Bible study, for either individuals or groups. God's eternal purpose in Christ Jesus our Lord, the secret plan that was already in God's mind before the foundation of the world, the study's focus, while the Mystery, revealed to the apostle Paul by the ascended Lord Jesus Christ, forms the doctrinal basis. The doctrines of our salvation, including reconciliation, justification, and sanctification, are examined in detail.

"God's Secret Plan For the Salvation of Mankind" was written with the intention of providing the reader with a panoramic view of God's eternal purpose in Christ Jesus our Lord. Beginning in the timelessness of eternity past, and continuing into the endlessness of eternity future, each historic age is thoroughly examined as the details concerning the outworking of God's secret plan are progressively made known to both men and angels. Throughout the book, the redemption that is in Christ Jesus is of primary importance. This, however, only stands to reason, for without his finished and all-sufficient work at the cross of Calvary, there could have been no completion of God's secret plan of salvation and reclamation. Without Christ's blood as the fully satisfying once-for-all payment for all the sins of the world, there would have been no possibility of salvation for mankind. Neither would there be any possibility of God reclaiming that which rightfully belongs to him, for there would be no saved individuals with which to reclaim it. Satan would remain in control for eternity because there would be no Remnant of Israel to reclaim the Earth and no Body of Christ to reclaim the Heavens. From the onset of the study, the differences between God's program for the nation of Israel and his program for the Body of Christ are brought to light and diligently compared. The importance of this cannot be overstated, for it is only when the differences between these two programs are recognized and respected that doctrinal confusion is eliminated. Though Christ provides salvation for both the nation of Israel and the Body of Christ, their programs are entirely different. Only by rightly dividing the word of truth is the Bible student able to see these differences, and only then does the Bible begin to make sense from cover to cover. "God's Secret Plan For the Salvation of Mankind" was written to be utilized as a Bible study, for either individuals or groups. God's eternal purpose in Christ Jesus our Lord, the secret plan that was already in God's mind before the foundation of the world, the study's focus, while the Mystery, revealed to the apostle Paul by the ascended Lord Jesus Christ, forms the doctrinal basis. The doctrines of our salvation, including reconciliation, justification, and sanctification, are examined in detail.

€ 9,17
€ 0,00
€ 9,17