The E-Entrepreneur Success Mindset: Unearth the Minds of Successful Internet Entrepreneurs From Around the Planet!

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“Those who fail to plan, plan to fail!” A plan for an Internet business is just exactly like a road map that would be used for making a road trip. Most of the time those who begin new Internet businesses have been working at jobs for which they were paid a salary. They are in the ‘work equals money’ mindset and they bring that mindset into their Internet businesses. That is their sole "plan." They will even spend their time searching for more ‘work’ instead of ways in which to earn money. Unless the ‘work = money’ mindset can be quickly changed to ‘delivered value = money’ mindset, any business will certainly fail and fail very quickly. The mindset can be changed to that of an "e-entrepreneur" and sped with mentorship and planning. Building an Internet business is a very exciting undertaking. You can succeed, but don’t expect it to be easy or quick. There are points this ebook covers to ease your travel on this road. Get this ebook today and create your own successful business!

“Those who fail to plan, plan to fail!” A plan for an Internet business is just exactly like a road map that would be used for making a road trip. Most of the time those who begin new Internet businesses have been working at jobs for which they were paid a salary. They are in the ‘work equals money’ mindset and they bring that mindset into their Internet businesses. That is their sole "plan." They will even spend their time searching for more ‘work’ instead of ways in which to earn money. Unless the ‘work = money’ mindset can be quickly changed to ‘delivered value = money’ mindset, any business will certainly fail and fail very quickly. The mindset can be changed to that of an "e-entrepreneur" and sped with mentorship and planning. Building an Internet business is a very exciting undertaking. You can succeed, but don’t expect it to be easy or quick. There are points this ebook covers to ease your travel on this road. Get this ebook today and create your own successful business!

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