A Different Place To Die

€ 2,68

Shona Bally is a Civilian Investigator for the Glasgow police.
Inspector Tom Quiss has made a necessary move from serious crime.
They are pulled together into a sparky and unique partnership.

Then two bodies are discovered.
It looks like a suicide.
Can it be that simple?

A new glasgow detective,
with a twist.
A murder/mystery thriller.

Shona Bally is a Civilian Investigator for the Glasgow police.
Inspector Tom Quiss has made a necessary move from serious crime.
They are pulled together into a sparky and unique partnership.

Then two bodies are discovered.
It looks like a suicide.
Can it be that simple?

A new glasgow detective,
with a twist.
A murder/mystery thriller.

€ 2,68
€ 0,00
€ 2,68