Ekklesia Rising: The Authority of Christ in Communities of Contending Prayer

€ 5,99


Fill in the blank: “Upon this rock I will build My ________?”

For generations, we have been taught that Jesus promised to build His “church“ in Matthew 16:18, so we've dutifully tried to build the church with Him. But there's a big problem: that's not the word He used. Instead, He announced something far more potent:
“I will build My ekklesia!”

A motherlode of identity and mission separate church and ekklesia. If Jesus gave His disciples authority and keys to bind and loose, it means we have been put on offense, so why are we stuck on defense? If we are built to soar in heavenly places with real authority in prayer, then why does our mission often feel grounded on the launch pad? In Ekklesia Rising, you'll learn to soar with:
• The DNA of ekklesia: how revelation produces dominion
• The “keys” Christ gives, and how to receive and use them
• The divine design of mature masculine authority with fervent bridal love
• The role of the Divine Council in heaven and on earth
• The inner constitution of contending, covenantal communities
• The powerful symphony of agreement

Make no mistake, Jesus will build His ekklesia. His Father's house will be a “House of Prayer for All Nations.” For hundreds of years, we have been the church. Finally, let us become His ruling ekklesia.

"Ekklesia Rising will fuel such a flame of intercessory dominion in your soul. The revelation contained in these pages has launched me into a whole new paradigm of prayer, one I believe will fuel a reformation of missions and bring back the King. If we have captured the mind of Christ rightly, I believe an ekklesial paradigm can produce a movement of men and women who specialize in fasting and prayer for the sake of 'air supremacy' over dark powers. This book is theological, foundational DNA for that movement." — from the Foreword by Lou Engle


Fill in the blank: “Upon this rock I will build My ________?”

For generations, we have been taught that Jesus promised to build His “church“ in Matthew 16:18, so we've dutifully tried to build the church with Him. But there's a big problem: that's not the word He used. Instead, He announced something far more potent:
“I will build My ekklesia!”

A motherlode of identity and mission separate church and ekklesia. If Jesus gave His disciples authority and keys to bind and loose, it means we have been put on offense, so why are we stuck on defense? If we are built to soar in heavenly places with real authority in prayer, then why does our mission often feel grounded on the launch pad? In Ekklesia Rising, you'll learn to soar with:
• The DNA of ekklesia: how revelation produces dominion
• The “keys” Christ gives, and how to receive and use them
• The divine design of mature masculine authority with fervent bridal love
• The role of the Divine Council in heaven and on earth
• The inner constitution of contending, covenantal communities
• The powerful symphony of agreement

Make no mistake, Jesus will build His ekklesia. His Father's house will be a “House of Prayer for All Nations.” For hundreds of years, we have been the church. Finally, let us become His ruling ekklesia.

"Ekklesia Rising will fuel such a flame of intercessory dominion in your soul. The revelation contained in these pages has launched me into a whole new paradigm of prayer, one I believe will fuel a reformation of missions and bring back the King. If we have captured the mind of Christ rightly, I believe an ekklesial paradigm can produce a movement of men and women who specialize in fasting and prayer for the sake of 'air supremacy' over dark powers. This book is theological, foundational DNA for that movement." — from the Foreword by Lou Engle

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€ 5,99