The Night I Partied with President Trump: An Alt-True Story

€ 0,93

The alt-true story of a chance Chicago encounter with President Trump, soon after his 2017 inauguration. In this tribute to New Journalists of the 1960s and ’70s, especially Hunter S. Thompson, Trump hides out, and parties down, in “fringe famous” author, performer, etc. John “Sloop” Biederman’s home. In Gonzo style, the tale blends fact and fiction not to deceive, but to pursue Higher Truth.

The alt-true story of a chance Chicago encounter with President Trump, soon after his 2017 inauguration. In this tribute to New Journalists of the 1960s and ’70s, especially Hunter S. Thompson, Trump hides out, and parties down, in “fringe famous” author, performer, etc. John “Sloop” Biederman’s home. In Gonzo style, the tale blends fact and fiction not to deceive, but to pursue Higher Truth.

€ 0,93
€ 0,00
€ 0,93