Black Lives Matter: Get Clean, Get Organized, Then Fight United & Sober

€ 0,90

Black lives are unrightfully lost daily. Lost to the criminal justice system. Lost to murder. Lost to suicide. And, an impetus to them all, lost to the cycle of drug and alcohol addiction.

Individuals suffering with dependence and addiction, start to lose their self awareness, morality, and overall benefits to anything out side of their addiction. This includes the advancement of themselves, their community and their country. Addiction is a disorder of selfishness, characterized by the individual only caring about getting the next high.

In order to heal an oppressed group, all members must become organized and strengthen their weakest members. The Black American Race already suffers from generations of psychological warfare, burdened with 300 years of oppression. In order to overcome the system, we my own our own bodies, maintain full consciousness, omit any unnecessary distractions.

This guide serves as an overview on addiction, the warning signs, its effect the mind and body, and various Recovery options. For additional resources visit

Black lives are unrightfully lost daily. Lost to the criminal justice system. Lost to murder. Lost to suicide. And, an impetus to them all, lost to the cycle of drug and alcohol addiction.

Individuals suffering with dependence and addiction, start to lose their self awareness, morality, and overall benefits to anything out side of their addiction. This includes the advancement of themselves, their community and their country. Addiction is a disorder of selfishness, characterized by the individual only caring about getting the next high.

In order to heal an oppressed group, all members must become organized and strengthen their weakest members. The Black American Race already suffers from generations of psychological warfare, burdened with 300 years of oppression. In order to overcome the system, we my own our own bodies, maintain full consciousness, omit any unnecessary distractions.

This guide serves as an overview on addiction, the warning signs, its effect the mind and body, and various Recovery options. For additional resources visit

€ 0,90
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€ 0,90