50 Shades of Hate, The New Un-American Civil War

€ 4,10

Mark Twain once said “There are three kinds of lies, Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics!” Even he could not have imagined the spin placed on even the most basic news item today. It has become almost impossible to separate fact from fiction especially on Social Media. It has long been true that we can now choose our preferred Television News Channel based on our predisposed political opinion. But that could fill another book. This literary endeavor’s purpose is to try to make sense of the phenomenon of Facebook and its decline to the level of something my wife called a “Social Sewer.”
There is also a more sinister side of the Facebook story. It may come as a shock but people have been killed simply because of a Facebook post. Even worse, some of these acts of violence can be traced to Facebook posts that were created by agents of a Foreign Country. Imagine what would happen if these efforts escalated into an active assassination campaign. Sounds incredible? Maybe, maybe not!

Mark Twain once said “There are three kinds of lies, Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics!” Even he could not have imagined the spin placed on even the most basic news item today. It has become almost impossible to separate fact from fiction especially on Social Media. It has long been true that we can now choose our preferred Television News Channel based on our predisposed political opinion. But that could fill another book. This literary endeavor’s purpose is to try to make sense of the phenomenon of Facebook and its decline to the level of something my wife called a “Social Sewer.”
There is also a more sinister side of the Facebook story. It may come as a shock but people have been killed simply because of a Facebook post. Even worse, some of these acts of violence can be traced to Facebook posts that were created by agents of a Foreign Country. Imagine what would happen if these efforts escalated into an active assassination campaign. Sounds incredible? Maybe, maybe not!

€ 4,10
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€ 4,10