Every Women has a Story to Tell

€ 6,69

An inspiring must-read book packed with truth-life issues.
If you are looking for real life solutions to real love relationships, a complete package of what a woman wants and expects from her man, how marriage has been downgraded by many men’s failure to heed to the divine calling and mandate of what the epitome of leadership entails, then this is the book for you.

Every woman and men of all ages, across all nations need to read this book. The cry is unanimous, real men who love genuinely from the sluices of their hearts, are as rare as high end diamonds.

Find out how you can avoid the pitfalls that many women find themselves caught up in. Don’t be deceived into thinking that you can change a man as this most often has dire consequences. No one can change anybody, and change comes from within an individual. If you see the red lights flashing and decide to cross the robot anyway, then the likelihood of survival is not great.

Get real, love yourself, focus on your primary purpose for existence – your love for God and humanity is one of the highest callings for humanity; the rest will fall into place in God’s perfect timing.

If you are looking for a solution to your marriage quagmire, this book will make you think rationally about how to find resolve. Enjoy and be inspired. Brought to you by LL Creations.

An inspiring must-read book packed with truth-life issues.
If you are looking for real life solutions to real love relationships, a complete package of what a woman wants and expects from her man, how marriage has been downgraded by many men’s failure to heed to the divine calling and mandate of what the epitome of leadership entails, then this is the book for you.

Every woman and men of all ages, across all nations need to read this book. The cry is unanimous, real men who love genuinely from the sluices of their hearts, are as rare as high end diamonds.

Find out how you can avoid the pitfalls that many women find themselves caught up in. Don’t be deceived into thinking that you can change a man as this most often has dire consequences. No one can change anybody, and change comes from within an individual. If you see the red lights flashing and decide to cross the robot anyway, then the likelihood of survival is not great.

Get real, love yourself, focus on your primary purpose for existence – your love for God and humanity is one of the highest callings for humanity; the rest will fall into place in God’s perfect timing.

If you are looking for a solution to your marriage quagmire, this book will make you think rationally about how to find resolve. Enjoy and be inspired. Brought to you by LL Creations.

€ 6,69
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€ 6,69