A Critical Introduction to the New Testament (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)

€ 1,99

This 1909 work was called “one of the most concise, fairest, and most able of introductions to the New Testament,” by the Boston Transcript. Contains “The Epistles to the Thessalonians,” “The Epistle to the Galatians,” “The Acts of the Apostles,” “The Revelation of John,” “The Gospel According to John,” and much more.

This 1909 work was called “one of the most concise, fairest, and most able of introductions to the New Testament,” by the Boston Transcript. Contains “The Epistles to the Thessalonians,” “The Epistle to the Galatians,” “The Acts of the Apostles,” “The Revelation of John,” “The Gospel According to John,” and much more.

€ 1,99
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€ 1,99