The Sermon on the Mount

€ 17,99

This book consists of thirty-eight linear expositions of the text of Scripture called "The Sermon on the Mount" (Matt. 5-7). Also included is a fresh translation of the text from the original language. All thirty-eight of these units were originally sermons preached at a local congregation in Tyler, Texas. It is hoped that the words of our Lord Jesus Christ will receive another "look" by men and women and children; and that the Spirit of Christ will use this book as one little "piece" in the proliferation of a new Reformation – to the glory of Christ and His Kingdom.

Rev. John C. Martin

This book consists of thirty-eight linear expositions of the text of Scripture called "The Sermon on the Mount" (Matt. 5-7). Also included is a fresh translation of the text from the original language. All thirty-eight of these units were originally sermons preached at a local congregation in Tyler, Texas. It is hoped that the words of our Lord Jesus Christ will receive another "look" by men and women and children; and that the Spirit of Christ will use this book as one little "piece" in the proliferation of a new Reformation – to the glory of Christ and His Kingdom.

Rev. John C. Martin
€ 17,99
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€ 20,98