The Return to Coatlicue

€ 27,07

Folklore yields important information about society and culture, helping to propagate beliefs, morals, and values. The study of Mesoamerican folklore offers a unique opportunity for understanding the religious syncretism occurring when powerful groups colonize others. This work provides insight into a selected number of narratives, rituals, and artifacts originating from pre-Conquest, colonial, and revolutionary periods. The purpose is to disclose issues of militarism, religious syncretism, resistance, and gender relations in Mexican society.

Folklore yields important information about society and culture, helping to propagate beliefs, morals, and values. The study of Mesoamerican folklore offers a unique opportunity for understanding the religious syncretism occurring when powerful groups colonize others. This work provides insight into a selected number of narratives, rituals, and artifacts originating from pre-Conquest, colonial, and revolutionary periods. The purpose is to disclose issues of militarism, religious syncretism, resistance, and gender relations in Mexican society.
€ 27,07
€ 0,00
€ 27,07