The Judas Tapes

€ 8,99

In l973 an illiterate hermit recluse of a Polish religious Order had allegedly fallen into a trance and began inexplicably speaking in a voice and language not his own. The so-called Judas Tapes are recordings of this voice representing itself to be that of Judas Iscariot speaking out of the darkness of Sheol, the Hebrew land of the dead.

In l973 an illiterate hermit recluse of a Polish religious Order had allegedly fallen into a trance and began inexplicably speaking in a voice and language not his own. The so-called Judas Tapes are recordings of this voice representing itself to be that of Judas Iscariot speaking out of the darkness of Sheol, the Hebrew land of the dead.

€ 8,99
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€ 8,99