Daddy, Tell Them We Don't Shoot Bambi

€ 7,99

Daddy, Tell Them We Dont Shoot Bambispins a true account of what one man did to introduce his sons to the basics of hunting and firearms safety, resulting in major quality time during their formative years. More important than tips on getting started, the author underscores strengthening father-son relationship. The authors closeness to nature is accented as he enthusiastically paints an accurate portrait of the average hunter. Included also are the agonies and disappointments of the hunt, often swept aside by the hunter, as well as some laugh out loud stuff hunters encounter. The author offers a 53-year writing background, with many published credits (including hunting) as well as tenure as editor of regional newspapers. He is past-president of the South Carolina Press Association.

Daddy, Tell Them We Dont Shoot Bambispins a true account of what one man did to introduce his sons to the basics of hunting and firearms safety, resulting in major quality time during their formative years. More important than tips on getting started, the author underscores strengthening father-son relationship. The authors closeness to nature is accented as he enthusiastically paints an accurate portrait of the average hunter. Included also are the agonies and disappointments of the hunt, often swept aside by the hunter, as well as some laugh out loud stuff hunters encounter. The author offers a 53-year writing background, with many published credits (including hunting) as well as tenure as editor of regional newspapers. He is past-president of the South Carolina Press Association.

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€ 7,99