Snowybright and the Eight Dwarfs

€ 1,44

In this contemporary fairy tale, Neville Mills has re-told the story of Snow White, giving it an unusually inventive edge of humour and wit. For in it he not only re-invents a classic fairy story, but he also plays with words and numbers in order to entice kids into the joys of both reading and simple calculations:
Add One is a writing style.
As you will see in just a while.
And every number will be gone,
As you increase them all by one.
Remember what you have to do
And note ‘no one’ becomes ‘no two.’

These rules determine the action and ensure that readers are kept on their toes. There are even eight dwarves instead of seven! The author has also not simply catered to the first reader’s prior knowledge of language and words, but has encouraged new investigation with phrases such as: ‘Impressed by the Prince’s elevenacity...’
To illustrate this tale, Roy Bisson has adopted a style which is characterised by vibrant, primary colored hues, and humorous visual asides for kids to observe, such as the mobile washing trolley and the potty under the bed. There are unremarked-upon inclusions in the pictures too, of engagingly entertaining family pets who silently observe and respond to the action, and Bisson also creates images in which there are many things to count and many colors to identify.

This much loved tale of the beautiful princess who is cast out by a jealous stepmother is given new life in this book, which is the first of a series of six, and is designed to delight young children.

In this contemporary fairy tale, Neville Mills has re-told the story of Snow White, giving it an unusually inventive edge of humour and wit. For in it he not only re-invents a classic fairy story, but he also plays with words and numbers in order to entice kids into the joys of both reading and simple calculations:
Add One is a writing style.
As you will see in just a while.
And every number will be gone,
As you increase them all by one.
Remember what you have to do
And note ‘no one’ becomes ‘no two.’

These rules determine the action and ensure that readers are kept on their toes. There are even eight dwarves instead of seven! The author has also not simply catered to the first reader’s prior knowledge of language and words, but has encouraged new investigation with phrases such as: ‘Impressed by the Prince’s elevenacity...’
To illustrate this tale, Roy Bisson has adopted a style which is characterised by vibrant, primary colored hues, and humorous visual asides for kids to observe, such as the mobile washing trolley and the potty under the bed. There are unremarked-upon inclusions in the pictures too, of engagingly entertaining family pets who silently observe and respond to the action, and Bisson also creates images in which there are many things to count and many colors to identify.

This much loved tale of the beautiful princess who is cast out by a jealous stepmother is given new life in this book, which is the first of a series of six, and is designed to delight young children.

€ 1,44
€ 0,00
€ 1,44