Everybody's Clocks - The Design and Working of Usual and Unusual Clocks Described in a Non-Technical Way For the Information of the User

€ 6,99

This antiquarian volume contains a treatise on the design and workings of usual and unusual clocks, described in a non-technical manner, suitable for either novice or expert. Containing a wealth of fascinating and practical information on the machinations of a variety of clocks, as well as being profusely illustrated and easy-to-digest, this volume will be of considerable value to those with an interest in the intricacies of clocks, and it makes for a great addition to collections of clock-related literature. The chapters of this book include: From Guesswork to Science, The Power Behind the Clock, The Gear Train, The Escapement, Striking and Chiming Mechanism, Alarm Clocks, Electric Clocks, Observatory Clocks, Industrial and Sports Clocks, Time Signals... among others. This antiquarian book is being republished now complete with a new introduction on the history of clocks and watches.

This antiquarian volume contains a treatise on the design and workings of usual and unusual clocks, described in a non-technical manner, suitable for either novice or expert. Containing a wealth of fascinating and practical information on the machinations of a variety of clocks, as well as being profusely illustrated and easy-to-digest, this volume will be of considerable value to those with an interest in the intricacies of clocks, and it makes for a great addition to collections of clock-related literature. The chapters of this book include: From Guesswork to Science, The Power Behind the Clock, The Gear Train, The Escapement, Striking and Chiming Mechanism, Alarm Clocks, Electric Clocks, Observatory Clocks, Industrial and Sports Clocks, Time Signals... among others. This antiquarian book is being republished now complete with a new introduction on the history of clocks and watches.

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€ 6,99