Falling In Love ... Finding God: Marriage and the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola

€ 7,99

Integrating marriage with the Spiritual Exercises, Falling in Love ... Finding God invites married couples to grow in intimacy with each other and with God. Using our experiences of 40+ years of our journey, we lead couples to discover love, intimacy and God in their experiences. Along the way,we offer practical marriage tools as communication, conflict resolution, management of time, sex, and money as well as Ignatian tools as Discernment and Examen. "We warmly recommend this book both to those who have seen many seasons of married life, and to those yet to embark on this beautiful vocation." Tim and Sue Muldoon. "Bridget and Jerry are pioneers in exploring what Ignatian Spirituality looks like when embraced wholeheartedly in the lay life" Dr. Ann Garrido "It is surprising that so little has been written on marriage from the Ignatian point of view. James Martin, SJ "Many couples will find moving and persuasive their writing on the 'integration of the spiritual and the married life." John Padberg, SJ

Integrating marriage with the Spiritual Exercises, Falling in Love ... Finding God invites married couples to grow in intimacy with each other and with God. Using our experiences of 40+ years of our journey, we lead couples to discover love, intimacy and God in their experiences. Along the way,we offer practical marriage tools as communication, conflict resolution, management of time, sex, and money as well as Ignatian tools as Discernment and Examen. "We warmly recommend this book both to those who have seen many seasons of married life, and to those yet to embark on this beautiful vocation." Tim and Sue Muldoon. "Bridget and Jerry are pioneers in exploring what Ignatian Spirituality looks like when embraced wholeheartedly in the lay life" Dr. Ann Garrido "It is surprising that so little has been written on marriage from the Ignatian point of view. James Martin, SJ "Many couples will find moving and persuasive their writing on the 'integration of the spiritual and the married life." John Padberg, SJ

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