The Complete Practical Guide to Raising Your Add Child to Success ... by a Mom Who's Done It! Steller Success in School, at Home, in Life

€ 14,99

This amazing book by a mom who raised a child with ADHD will show you, in simple practical ways, how to raise your ADHD child to be successful in all areas of life. Whether your child is of the hyperactive, inattentive or combination type, this book is for you! The author shares her successes, failures, mistakes and victories in a way that is relatable to every parent that has one of these awesome kids. Does your child suffer from any of these - problems with academics, impromptu tantrums, getting in trouble at school, unable to finish a task you’ve asked him or her to do, few or no friends? This is heartbreaking and difficult for you and your child, but there are solutions. Written in easy to understand "layman's” language, you will receive step by step help in working with your child’s school, helping with homework, nurturing special gifts, instilling self- confidence, improving social skills and more. Plus 10 surprising "Key" concepts embedded throughout the book that you must know to be the most effective parent you can be!

This amazing book by a mom who raised a child with ADHD will show you, in simple practical ways, how to raise your ADHD child to be successful in all areas of life. Whether your child is of the hyperactive, inattentive or combination type, this book is for you! The author shares her successes, failures, mistakes and victories in a way that is relatable to every parent that has one of these awesome kids. Does your child suffer from any of these - problems with academics, impromptu tantrums, getting in trouble at school, unable to finish a task you’ve asked him or her to do, few or no friends? This is heartbreaking and difficult for you and your child, but there are solutions. Written in easy to understand "layman's” language, you will receive step by step help in working with your child’s school, helping with homework, nurturing special gifts, instilling self- confidence, improving social skills and more. Plus 10 surprising "Key" concepts embedded throughout the book that you must know to be the most effective parent you can be!
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