From Here to There and Other Places Too

€ 20,37

From Here To There And Other Places Too is, I suppose, a conglomeration. Perhaps a better term would be a con-glob-eration. Why? Because bits and pieces of stories and events came to mind in globs as I was writing at my desk. As a memory occurred, I immediately jotted it down and each glob became a story; hence, the title From Here to There and Other Places Too.

From Here To There And Other Places Too is, I suppose, a conglomeration. Perhaps a better term would be a con-glob-eration. Why? Because bits and pieces of stories and events came to mind in globs as I was writing at my desk. As a memory occurred, I immediately jotted it down and each glob became a story; hence, the title From Here to There and Other Places Too.
€ 20,37
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€ 20,37