Picture Perfect

€ 3,99

Twins Autumn and August Price are living a picture-perfect life. Autumn has beauty and brains, with the style to go along. August, the high school valedictorian, has talent beyond his years. When the divorce of their parents along with a complicated love triangle begin to take a toll on them, they soon learn that good looks and charm will only take them so far in life. In this coming-of-age narrative, Autumn and August must reevaluate the people in their lives and learn who can and cannot be trusted. They soon discover that keeping their picture-perfect image is much harder than it seems and is a lot less important as they get older.

Twins Autumn and August Price are living a picture-perfect life. Autumn has beauty and brains, with the style to go along. August, the high school valedictorian, has talent beyond his years. When the divorce of their parents along with a complicated love triangle begin to take a toll on them, they soon learn that good looks and charm will only take them so far in life. In this coming-of-age narrative, Autumn and August must reevaluate the people in their lives and learn who can and cannot be trusted. They soon discover that keeping their picture-perfect image is much harder than it seems and is a lot less important as they get older.

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