BULLYING Stemmed From The Roots Of JEALOUSY

€ 9,17

Often, teenagers feel they are alone when going through being bullied by other individuals. This book was written to get them to understand that many adults go through being bullied as well. However, there are legal ways to handle all types of bullying instead of killing themselves or anyone else. It is imperative that they inform an adult when bullying acts are being done towards them. Both teenagers and adults go through some type of bullying by other people. Acts of bullying are derived f

Often, teenagers feel they are alone when going through being bullied by other individuals. This book was written to get them to understand that many adults go through being bullied as well. However, there are legal ways to handle all types of bullying instead of killing themselves or anyone else. It is imperative that they inform an adult when bullying acts are being done towards them. Both teenagers and adults go through some type of bullying by other people. Acts of bullying are derived f

€ 9,17
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€ 9,17