A Tear for China’s Children – Protecting and Safeguarding the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in the People's Republic of China

€ 18,99

The International Community should be advised that the Chinese government is currently in dispute. Due to President Xi Jinping’s bad governance, China is like a lost puppy, which needs protection and safeguarding by the NGO community. With China being a one-party state – and no opposition party being permitted to challenge the monopoly on power of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) – the government of China must finally implement the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR); and stop police violence and torture of lawyers and human rights defenders. Also, Chinese authorities and law enforcement agencies must make a greater effort of upholding and protecting fundamental human rights in China; such as Freedom of Speech, Press, Association and Assembly; as enshrined in the UDHR. It should also be noted, that Beijing has faced consistent accusations of mass human rights abuses in Xinjiang, including the internment of more than a million Uighurs and Turkic Muslims in detention camps - the existence of which China initially denied before claiming they were training and re-education centres. The camps and the abuse, forced labour, forced sterilisation of women, mass surveillance and restrictions on religious and cultural beliefs have been labelled as cultural genocide by the International Community. The International Community is advised to keep a safe distance from the government of China, until these human rights issues have been resolved, and the Chinese government has agreed to evolve and improve itself. In the meantime, domestic policy and human rights issues concerning the People's Republic of China will be handled by the NGO BTB-Global Peacebuilding. It should also be noted, that in the wake of the Tiananmen square crackdown that left thousands of people dead, Xi Jinping has ordered new horrific crackdowns on human rights in China. So as was done during the French Revolution, we must change the system in China, and overthrow the CCP dictatorship in Beijing. Hence we are hereby encouraging fellow revolutionaries in Hong Kong and Mainland China to replace the CCP autocracy with a new liberal government - to further positive change and evolution in China; and finally manifest universal suffrage and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in China :) It is also imperative that the government of China improves International Peacebuilding in failed states - as well as repairing environmental problems on Earth by using technology in a responsible way.

The International Community should be advised that the Chinese government is currently in dispute. Due to President Xi Jinping’s bad governance, China is like a lost puppy, which needs protection and safeguarding by the NGO community. With China being a one-party state – and no opposition party being permitted to challenge the monopoly on power of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) – the government of China must finally implement the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR); and stop police violence and torture of lawyers and human rights defenders. Also, Chinese authorities and law enforcement agencies must make a greater effort of upholding and protecting fundamental human rights in China; such as Freedom of Speech, Press, Association and Assembly; as enshrined in the UDHR. It should also be noted, that Beijing has faced consistent accusations of mass human rights abuses in Xinjiang, including the internment of more than a million Uighurs and Turkic Muslims in detention camps - the existence of which China initially denied before claiming they were training and re-education centres. The camps and the abuse, forced labour, forced sterilisation of women, mass surveillance and restrictions on religious and cultural beliefs have been labelled as cultural genocide by the International Community. The International Community is advised to keep a safe distance from the government of China, until these human rights issues have been resolved, and the Chinese government has agreed to evolve and improve itself. In the meantime, domestic policy and human rights issues concerning the People's Republic of China will be handled by the NGO BTB-Global Peacebuilding. It should also be noted, that in the wake of the Tiananmen square crackdown that left thousands of people dead, Xi Jinping has ordered new horrific crackdowns on human rights in China. So as was done during the French Revolution, we must change the system in China, and overthrow the CCP dictatorship in Beijing. Hence we are hereby encouraging fellow revolutionaries in Hong Kong and Mainland China to replace the CCP autocracy with a new liberal government - to further positive change and evolution in China; and finally manifest universal suffrage and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in China :) It is also imperative that the government of China improves International Peacebuilding in failed states - as well as repairing environmental problems on Earth by using technology in a responsible way.

€ 18,99
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€ 18,99