The Lord of Darkness

€ 2,75

What would you do to become a bestselling author? Would there be any limit to your obsession to get what you desperately craved?James Baldwin, a thirty-five year old writer of horror and dark fantasy fiction, finds himself in an awkward situation when he hastily resigns from his regular job to pursue his dream to become an international bestseller, after having two, well-received novels published and sold out with a small press publisher.Then a tall, disfigured man dressed all in black wearing a false yellow eye arrives unexpectedly one cold winter night at his residence carrying an antique box which he claims contains the answers to James problems. He makes James an offer he cant refuse. However, the mysterious stranger - who is not a man but something not of this world - only reveals the true nature of the contract he has made James sign that will tear his soul apart and devour his mind and integrity, until he is merely an empty shell.Secrets from the past are revealed between Ivor (James father) and the stranger, which link James to both in more ways he can imagine. A mistake repeated by a father and a sons desires with dire and irrevocable consequences.Aware of his fate, James decides to do what he does best and uses his popular pseudonym in the world of literature to reveal the true identity of his new-self. In a shocking finale, Ivor does the only thing left to do to save the unsuspecting world of a ghastly entity that uses a mortals deception and temptation to achieve immortality.

What would you do to become a bestselling author? Would there be any limit to your obsession to get what you desperately craved?James Baldwin, a thirty-five year old writer of horror and dark fantasy fiction, finds himself in an awkward situation when he hastily resigns from his regular job to pursue his dream to become an international bestseller, after having two, well-received novels published and sold out with a small press publisher.Then a tall, disfigured man dressed all in black wearing a false yellow eye arrives unexpectedly one cold winter night at his residence carrying an antique box which he claims contains the answers to James problems. He makes James an offer he cant refuse. However, the mysterious stranger - who is not a man but something not of this world - only reveals the true nature of the contract he has made James sign that will tear his soul apart and devour his mind and integrity, until he is merely an empty shell.Secrets from the past are revealed between Ivor (James father) and the stranger, which link James to both in more ways he can imagine. A mistake repeated by a father and a sons desires with dire and irrevocable consequences.Aware of his fate, James decides to do what he does best and uses his popular pseudonym in the world of literature to reveal the true identity of his new-self. In a shocking finale, Ivor does the only thing left to do to save the unsuspecting world of a ghastly entity that uses a mortals deception and temptation to achieve immortality.
€ 2,75
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€ 2,75