The Greatest Commandment: The Lord's Invitation to Love

€ 4,53

The Greatest Commandment explores core biblical and theological themes in an intentionally readable style with fresh, new insight. Using an important passage from the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) central to Jewish faith, The Greatest Commandment explores what this passage means for modern believers. With focus on Hebrew language and culture, coupled with a perspective that is attentive to Jesus in the New Testament, this sensitive book gives insight on how we should live. Though the book is intended to be simple, it offers deep, thoughtful insight into understanding what the New Testament refers to as The Greatest Commandment, gleaned from where it is originally found in Deuteronomy 6:4-9. The author uses academic insight, coupled with pastoral care in presenting these Biblical ideas that matter in everyday life. This book lives up to its subtitle, as it invites readers to learn afresh what it means to the love the LORD with their whole lives.

The Greatest Commandment explores core biblical and theological themes in an intentionally readable style with fresh, new insight. Using an important passage from the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) central to Jewish faith, The Greatest Commandment explores what this passage means for modern believers. With focus on Hebrew language and culture, coupled with a perspective that is attentive to Jesus in the New Testament, this sensitive book gives insight on how we should live. Though the book is intended to be simple, it offers deep, thoughtful insight into understanding what the New Testament refers to as The Greatest Commandment, gleaned from where it is originally found in Deuteronomy 6:4-9. The author uses academic insight, coupled with pastoral care in presenting these Biblical ideas that matter in everyday life. This book lives up to its subtitle, as it invites readers to learn afresh what it means to the love the LORD with their whole lives.

€ 4,53
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€ 4,53