The Legend of All Things Unwanted

€ 0,99

Have you ever wondered where things go when you lose them?
When a young boy named Max loses a priceless gift from his visiting Uncle, his curiosity awakens an ancient Irish legend. Max is led on an extraordinary adventure in an unknown world full of dragons, faeries, little people, and a pack of undiscovered beasts called Morlaes. With the help of some new friends, Max must race against the clock to find his lost treasure and stop an ancient thief lord before he meets his end in The Place of All Things Unwanted.

Have you ever wondered where things go when you lose them?
When a young boy named Max loses a priceless gift from his visiting Uncle, his curiosity awakens an ancient Irish legend. Max is led on an extraordinary adventure in an unknown world full of dragons, faeries, little people, and a pack of undiscovered beasts called Morlaes. With the help of some new friends, Max must race against the clock to find his lost treasure and stop an ancient thief lord before he meets his end in The Place of All Things Unwanted.

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€ 0,99