Secrets of Kundalini in Panchastavi

€ 3,40

Many of the sages and seers of the past have left written accounts of their experiences of transcendental states of consciousness. Many have poured out their hearts in beautiful lyrics to describe the Divinities they encountered. One of the greatest, but least known of these is Panchastavi. a unique hymn of praise to Kundalini, the infinite creative Power behind all life in the universe.

Gopi Krishna, who had himself experienced a full awakening of Kundalini, recognized the genius of Panchastavi, and vividly describes the state of Cosmic Consciousness possessed by its author. He also explains the organic mechanism in the cerebro-spinal system through which this new faculty of perception can be attained.

Many of the sages and seers of the past have left written accounts of their experiences of transcendental states of consciousness. Many have poured out their hearts in beautiful lyrics to describe the Divinities they encountered. One of the greatest, but least known of these is Panchastavi. a unique hymn of praise to Kundalini, the infinite creative Power behind all life in the universe.

Gopi Krishna, who had himself experienced a full awakening of Kundalini, recognized the genius of Panchastavi, and vividly describes the state of Cosmic Consciousness possessed by its author. He also explains the organic mechanism in the cerebro-spinal system through which this new faculty of perception can be attained.

€ 3,40
€ 0,00
€ 3,40