Wise Fairy Tales from Around the World

€ 9,49

King Solomon asked for wisdom from God. And as it was the most important thing in the world, God granted him all the other gifts of life as well. Throughout their history all the nations of the world have been seeking for perfect wisdom and on that thorny path they have opened many closed doors. The spiritual and intellectual treasures hidden behind those doors have also been reflected in fairy tales and passed on from generation to generation. The fairy tales included in this book comprise ancient, time-tested truths and values still relevant to this day. Each of these tales is a separate unique world. Taking a journey through that wonderful world you will open or rediscover new layers of wisdom and discover the fairy tale inside you. Fairy tales teach us such virtues as diligence, dignity, honesty, loyalty, benevolence, tenacity, respect to the elderly people and so on and so forth. And they show the path to success by living, struggling and creating through those virtues.

Let’s open the door to wisdom by reading!

King Solomon asked for wisdom from God. And as it was the most important thing in the world, God granted him all the other gifts of life as well. Throughout their history all the nations of the world have been seeking for perfect wisdom and on that thorny path they have opened many closed doors. The spiritual and intellectual treasures hidden behind those doors have also been reflected in fairy tales and passed on from generation to generation. The fairy tales included in this book comprise ancient, time-tested truths and values still relevant to this day. Each of these tales is a separate unique world. Taking a journey through that wonderful world you will open or rediscover new layers of wisdom and discover the fairy tale inside you. Fairy tales teach us such virtues as diligence, dignity, honesty, loyalty, benevolence, tenacity, respect to the elderly people and so on and so forth. And they show the path to success by living, struggling and creating through those virtues.

Let’s open the door to wisdom by reading!

€ 9,49
€ 0,00
€ 9,49